MQ-4C Triton

The most advanced maritime ISR capability deployed today.

aircraft inflight against blue sky

Northrop Grumman is a proven leader of autonomy with over eight decades experience in developing and delivering next-generation autonomous capabilities for uncrewed systems.

MQ-4C Triton in Flight above clouds

Persistent Surveillance

With increased need for maritime surveillance, our high-altitude, long-endurance (HALE) platforms are providing valuable in-theatre situational awareness to commanders of deployed forces.

The multi-intelligence MQ-4C Triton uncrewed aircraft system provides real-time intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting (ISR&T) over vast ocean and coastal regions. Built for the U.S. Navy and Royal Australian Air Force, Triton’s 360-degree sensor suite integrated into an aircraft capable of extraordinary range, endurance and speed imparts a level of operational flexibility never before possible. In a world with evolving security threats, Triton is designed for expansive maritime environments to provide the most capable persistent domain awareness.

Persistent surveillance allows the prediction of an adversary’s behavior and enables better planning, greatly enhancing joint military responses and operations all without risking the lives of crew onboard.

Northrop Grumman produces the AN/ZPY-3 Airborne Multifunction Active Sensor (MFAS) AESA, which is provided to the US Navy for Maritime, Littoral, and Overland ISR&T assuring broad area situational awareness on the Triton. Flying at high altitudes, the MFAS provides the ability to detect and track every surface vessel with 360-degree coverage to the horizon, providing the warfighter with long-range detection, classification and monitoring of all contacts of interest. 

Northrop Grumman provides long-term pre-planned product improvements (P3I) and sustainment and support for the MFAS and remains committed to delivering this crucial capability to the customer.

MQ-4C Triton in Flight at sunset

Unprecedented Maritime Domain Awareness

Triton’s autonomous operations are supported by land-based command and control mission planners and sensor operators. It can fly at an altitude upwards of 50,000 feet, which is significantly higher than commercial aviation or medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) aircraft. The operating altitude also means that many advanced sensors can be utilized optimally for unprecedented maritime domain awareness. 

Since achieving early operating capability in May 2020, the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Fleet has employed Triton in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command area of responsibility conducting ISR&T missions, accumulating nearly 5,000 operational flight hours. Now with Triton achieving a declaration of initial operating capability by the U.S. Navy on Aug. 3, 2023, Triton is operational at a critical time for the U.S. Navy and represents the most advanced maritime ISR&T capability deployed today. The first aircraft have arrived in Guam as part of Orbit 1, which is bringing significant capabilities to the Fleet Commanders in the Indo-Pacific theater. The Navy plans to deploy MQ-4C Triton in three orbits across the 7th, 6th and 5th fleets.

The first Triton has been delivered to the Royal Australian Air Force who will utilize Triton to watch over their trade routes and other maritime interests.

Australia’s role in the Triton cooperative program was critical to shaping its systems requirements. Together, the U.S. and Australian defence forces will be able to share data collected by their respective Tritons, a critical ability in one of the world’s most strategically important regions. The Australian Government has recently announced the acquisition of a fourth aircraft for the Royal Australian Air Force. The first of these aircraft was delivered in 2024.

Australia's MQ-4C Triton Makes Progress Toward Delivery in 2024

MQ-4C Triton by the Numbers

aircraft infographic

Triton in the News

Drone inflight against blue sky

Unmatched Maritime Surveillance: What You Need to Know About the MQ-4C Triton

unmanned aircraft inflight

Royal Australian Air Force Welcomes First Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton

US military aircraft inflight above clouds

NATO's Eyes in the Sky: What You Need to Know About the RQ-4D Phoenix

Northrop Grumman and Andøya Space to Collaborate on Supporting Norway’s Long Term Defense Plan

Australia’s First MQ-4C Triton flying into blue skies

Australia’s First MQ-4C Triton Takes Flight

aircraft on runway

Australia Commits to Additional MQ-4C Triton

aircraft flying over an ocean

Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton Achieves Initial Operating Capability with the US Navy

Triton Media Contact

Melissa Cangelosi

(858) 618-7630