OpenLine provides a confidential way to ask ethics-related questions, voice concerns or report suspected violations.
Corporate Responsibility

How We Work
“Ethics and integrity are at the center of everything we do at Northrop Grumman. Our reputation is founded on our adherence to the highest ethical standards. We understand it isn’t just about what we do, but how we do it.“
- Kathy Warden, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Transparent and Ethical Business Practices
The reputation that Northrop Grumman has earned for high legal and ethical standards is one of our greatest business assets. Our goal has never been solely to comply with the law, but to abide by the highest principles of integrity and concern for others..
Accounting Matters
Procedures to receive employees’ confidential or anonymous concerns regarding accounting, financial controls or auditing matters.
Human Rights
Northrop Grumman is committed to maintaining a strong culture with a deep respect for individuals and human rights.
Anti-Human Trafficking
We support the elimination of human trafficking and slavery throughout businesses and supply chains.
A strong stance against bribery and corruption is a critical enabler for us to achieve our business objectives.
Standards of Business Conduct
Our business operations reflect our Standards of Business Conduct – as a company and as individuals.