Laser and Non-linear Optical Crystals

Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS is the world's leading manufacturer of synthetic crystals and optical components used primarily in the solid-state laser industry.

Synoptics alexandrite rods

ER:YAG (2940 NM)

Material Parameters
Host: ​Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Y3AI5O12)
Dopant: ​Erbium (Er3+)
Dopant Concentration: 50Atomic% (~7x1021cm-3)
​Orientation: ​[111] crystallographic directions (±5°)
Wavefront Distortion: ​1/2 wave per inch of length
End Configuration​ ​
Flatness:​ ​within λ/10 wave at 633nm wavelength
Parallelism: within 30seconds of arc
Perpendicularity: within 5minutes of arc
Surface Quality: scratch-dig 10 - 5 per MIL-O-13830A
Anti-Reflection End Coatings
Reflectivity: less than 0.25% at 2.94microns
Adhesion and Durability: meets MIL-C-48497A standards
Pulsed Damage Threshold: greater than 10J/cm2
Absorption SpectrumDatasheet

Nd:YAG (1064 nm)

High Gain, Low Threshold, High Efficiency,
Low Loss at 1.06µm, High Optical Quality,
Good Mechanical and Thermal Properties
Ordering Options and Specifications
(Tolerance +/- 0.10% and +/- 0.20%): 0.6% - 1.3%
Wavefront Distortion
(per inch of rod length):
Standard Grade = l/4
Opto-Lase Grade = l/16
End Face Parallelism: ​< 10arc seconds
Extinction Ratio: 25dB Minimum
Material Properties (1% Nd)
Formula: Y2.97Nd0.03Al5O12
Crystal Structure:
Cubic [111]
Moh Hardness:
8 - 8.5
Melting Point:
1950°C (3540°F)
Thermal Conductivity: 0.14Wcm-1K-1
Thermal Expansion:
dn/dT: 7.3x10-6oC-1
Index of Refraction: 1.8197 at 1.0mm
Poisson Ratio:
Fluorescent Lifetime: 230µs
Cross Section:
Young's Modulus:
Thermal Shock Resistance: 790Wm-1
Absorption Spectrum - 1% Nd-doped YAGAbsorption Spectrum - 0.62% Nd-doped YAGDatasheet

Cr, Tm, Ho:YAG (2080 nm)

CTH:YAG Advantages
High-efficiency 2µm source
Laser diode sources can pump the strong 780nm Tm3+ ion absorption line
Operates in a relatively eye-safe wavelength range
Ordering Options and Specifications
%Cr Concentration: 0.85%
%Tm Concentration: 5.9%
%Ho Concentration:
Wavefront Distortion (per inch of rod length): < l/2
End Face Parallelism:
< 30arc seconds
Material Properties
Formula: Cr3+, Tm3+, Ho3+:Y3Al5O12
Crystal Orientation:
Cubic [111]
Index of Refraction:
1.80 at 2080nm
Fluorescence Lifetime:
Emission Cross Section2:
Absorption SpectrumDatasheet

CR, ER:YSGG (2940 NM)

Ordering Options and Specifications
%Er Concentration:
%Cr Concentration:
Wavefront Distortion (per inch of rod length):
End Face Parallelism:
30arc seconds
Material Properties
Formula Y2.93Sc1.43Ga3.64O12
Crystal Structure
Moh Hardness 8
Thermal Conductivity 8Wm-1K-1
dn/dT2 12x10-6K-1
Index of Refraction 1.92 at 1mm
Absorption SpectrumDatasheet

ND:YLF (1047NM and 1053NM)

Low Thermal Lensing, Large Fluorescence, Linewidth, Birfringent,
High Power, Short Pulse, Amplifiers
Ordering Options and Specifications
(Tolerance +/- 0.10% and +/- 0.20%): 1%, 1.5%, or 2.0%
Wavefront Distortion (per inch of rod length): l/4
End Face Parallelism: ​< 10 arc seconds
Material Properties
Crystal Structure:
Growth Direction:
Along a axis [100]
Moh Hardness:
4 - 5
Melting Point:
Thermal Conductivity:
Heat Capacity:
0.79Jg-1 K-1
Thermal Expansion:
(x 10-6 °C-1)
13 (along a axis)
8 (along c axis)
Index of Refraction at 633 nm:
1.453 (e ray) 1.476 (o ray)
Index of Refraction at 1064 nm:
1.448 (e ray) 1.470 (o ray)
Young's Modulus:
Poisson's Ratio:
Absorption SpectrumDatasheet

Alexandrite – Allexite (710 NM - 800 NM)

Ordering Options & Specifications
%Cr Concentration: 0.13% (0.10% to 0.20% available)
Wavefront Distortion (per inch of rod length): l/2
End Face Parallelism: < 30arc seconds
Material Properties
Formula: Be(Al1-xCrx)2O4
Crystal Structure:
Unit Cell Dimensions (Å) 9.404(a) x 5.476(b) x 4.427(c)
Thermal Expansion  (x 10-6 °C-1):
6.30(a) x 6.00(b) x 6.50(c)
Index of Refraction (at 750 nm):
1.7367(a) x 1.7241(b) x 1.7346(c)
Melting Point:
Vickers Hardness:
Thermal Conductivity:
Young's Modulus:
Thermal Shock Resistance:
35 - 74W/cm
Absorption SpectrumDatasheet

Ruby (694 NM)

Structural & Thermal Properties
Formula: Cr3+: Al2O3
Crystal System: Trigonal
Unit Cell Dimensions (as if hexagonal) a = 4.785Å
c = 12.99Å
X-Ray Density: 3.98g/cm3
Melting Point: 2040°C
Thermal Expansion: at 323 K: ┴ c5x10-6K-1 || c6.7x10-6K-1
Thermal Conductivity: 300K: 28W/m•K
Hardness: Mohs: 9, Knoop: 2000kgmm-2
Young's Modulus: 345GPa
Specific Heat: at 291K: 761Jkg-1K-1
Thermal Stress Resistance parameter, RT: 34W/cm
General Specifications
Diameter Tolerance: +0.000"/-0.002"
Chamfer: 0.005"±0.003" @ 45°
Barrel Finish: 30 ± 5μinches
Perpendicularity: within 5arcminutes
Parallelism: 30arc - seconds or less
Rod End Face Flatness: within λ/10 wave at 632nm wavelength
Surface Quality: 10 - 5 scratch-dig per MIL-O-13830A
Wave Front Distortion: less than 1/2 wave per inch of length (measured at 1micron)
Standard Coating: Anti-Reflection where R < 0.25% @ 694nm
Laser rod orientation: 60±5° from the c-axis
Absorption SpectrumDatasheet

TI:Sapphire – TI: AL2O3

Structural & Thermal Properties
Formula: Ti3+:Al2O3
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Unit Cell Dimensions (as if hexagonal) a = 4.759Å
c = 12.99Å
X-Ray Density: 3.98g/cm3
Melting Point: 2050°C
Thermal Expansion: at 323 K ┴ c5x10-6K-1 || c6.6x10-6K-1
Thermal Conductivity: 300K ┴ c30W/m•K
|| c32W/m•K
Hardness: Mohs: 9, Knoop: ┴ c2200kgmm-2
|| c1900kgmm2
Young's Modulus: 345GPa
Specific Heat: at 293K 770Jkg-1K-1
Thermal Shock parameter, RT: 34W/cm
General Specifications
Diameter Tolerance: +0.000"/-0.002"
Chamfer: 0.005"±0.003" @ 45°
Barrel Finish: 55μinches
Perpendicularity: within 5arc minutes
Parallelism: 10arc - seconds or less
Rod End Face Flatness: within λ/10 wave at 633nm wavelength
Surface Quality: 1.5Årms surface roughness
Wave Front Distortion: less than 1/2 wave per inch of length (measured at 1 micron)
Standard Coating: Anti-Reflection with R < 0.25%​
Optical Properties
Absorption coefficient (Ti3+), αcm-1 (at 532nm):
0.50 to 6.0cm-1
Figure of Merit, FOM (α532nm800nm)
> 150
Refractive index at 1.06 µm2
no = 1.75449
ne = 1.74663
Refractive Index Temperature Coefficient: visible wavelengths near 25°C 3
Brewster angle: 60.4°
Fluorescence lifetime at 300K: 3.0µs

KTP (KTIOPO4 – Potassium Titanyl Phosphate)

Applications Features
Harmonic Generation / Frequency Doubling:
Optically transparent between 0.35µm - 3.5µm
Optical Parametric Oscillator: High harmonic conversion efficiency
Electro-optic Pockels Cells:
Damage thresholds up to 1 GW/cm2
Quasi Phase Matching:
Thermally and mechanically stable
Available Sizes
1mm x 1mm x 3mm minimum, contact SYNOPTICS for maximum size capabilities
Hydrothermal Growth
Our KTP is grown Hydrothermally to insure homogenous, consistent properties
Material Properties
Crystal Structure: Orthorhombic, Space Group Pna 21
Lattice Parameters:
a = 12.814Â, b = 6.404Â, c = 10.616Â
Melting Point:
~1150°C with Partial Decomposition
Mohs Hardness:
Density: 3.03g/cm3
Specific Heat: 0.1737cal/g°C
Thermal Conductivity:
k1 = 2.0, k2 = 3.0, k3 = 3.3 (x10-2W/cm/°C)
Absorption Loss @ 1.064mm:
< 1%/cm
Nonlinear Optical Coefficients (x10-12 m/V):
d31 = 6.5, d32 = 5.0, d33 = 13.7, d24 = 7.6, d15 = 6.1
Refractive Indices @ 1.064mm: nx = 1.740, ny = 1.747, nz = 1.830
Refractive Indices @.532mm:
nx = 1.779, ny = 1.790, nz = 1.887
Type Phase Matching:
Type II
Phase Matching Angle @1.064mm: 24° to x in xy plane
Temperature Bandwidth: 25°C-cm

Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS

1201 Continental Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273

Phone: 704-588-2340 | Fax: 704-583-5851
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