Environmental Sustainability

Leadership in environmental sustainability and climate change is a priority.

Environmental Sustainability

A Matter of National Security

Climate change is influencing natural disasters, population displacements, and conflicts over essential resources like food and water, which all contribute to destabilization.

That’s why we’re dedicated to meeting the environmental challenges facing our world with solutions and technology that expand the boundaries of what it means to define possible as a global steward.

Goals to Measure Success:


Address the fundamental needs driving environmental sustainability by minimizing the footprint of our operations.

  • We are prepared to do our part to support the goal to limit global temperature rise.
  • Source 50 % of electricity from renewable sources by 2030.
  • Reduce 10% of absolute water withdrawals, reuse 10% of water withdrawals, and replenish 10% of water withdrawals, focusing in water stressed regions--by 2030
  • Reduce solid waste sent to landfill and incineration by 10% by 2030.


Enhance sustainability within the aerospace & defense industry by supporting customer needs and supply chain objectives.

  • In collaboration with key customers, develop a pioneering product stewardship program focused on material efficiency, product design and life cycle assessment.
  • Update the company’s "Standards of Business Conduct for Suppliers and Other Trading Partners" to incorporate industry-leading sustainability practices by 2023.


Affirm leadership in sustainability by collaborating to protect ecosystems and define opportunities in our communities.

  • Expand Technology for Conservation (T4C) initiatives in proximity to Northrop Grumman's U.S. locations by 2030, in collaboration with external partners.
aerial view of city in mountains

Net Zero by 2035

We have taken action to reduce the carbon footprint of our operations. We are prepared to support goal to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and drive global GHG emissions to net zero by 2050.

As the next step in our journey to decarbonize, we are committed to achieving net zero GHG emissions in our operations by 2035. As a part of this commitment, we will continue to emphasize efficiency and invest in low and zero carbon energy solutions.

Blue container on ground

Water Usage

As a critical resource for our operations and within our communities, we recognize that access to and availability of water can be a localized challenge. We mainly use water withdrawals to support building evaporative cooling and humidification and manufacturing processes, as well as domestic water uses.

  • We complete regular water assessments to gain valuable insight into the use patterns of our operations.
  • Our Redondo Beach, California, location connected a municipal reclaimed water line to the cooling towers of three buildings. This project offset potable water usage by 16 million gallons of water per year, which is enough to fill 24 Olympic-size swimming pools.
Man standing in front of electric charger with his arms crossed

Electric Vehicle Charging

Our Electric Vehicle (EV) Workplace Charging Program has become an increasingly important service that we provide for employees, especially as we continue to see demand for electric vehicles rise.

  • We opened our first ever fleet-only EV charging station in the company at one of our manufacturing sites located in West Virginia.
  • Select sites partner with local utilities on charging stations. One example is our Azusa, California, which partnered with Southern California Edison on 39 charging stations.
GEO Satellite

Advanced Technologies and Climate

Northrop Grumman technology has always been at the forefront of tackling the toughest challenges facing our planet—including climate change.

From satellites that collect data to track changes on the Earth’s surface to unmanned aircraft that produce fewer emissions than traditional manned options, we’re redefining how technology can advance global stewardship.