The Global Combat Support System-Army.

The Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS Army) will ultimately replace several aging and outdated Army management information systems across tactical logistics environments within the Army's Active and Reserve components as well as the National Guard.
A state-of-the-art, web-based, logistics and finance system based upon commercial best business practices and off-the-shelf (SAP) software, GCSS Army will serve as an automated combat enabler for soldiers. Integrated with Department of Defense financial systems, it provides highly accurate cost management and financial visibility for tactical materiel and sustainment. A Full Deployment Decision was granted in December 2012 for Wave 1 of the GCSS-Army solution. To date, 281 warehouses were converted completing Wave 1 and 346 out of the total 1034 Units have been trained through Wave 2.
GCSS Army Vision
When complete, GCSS-Army will have met the mission of providing a system for financial auditability and unprecedented asset visibility. The technical innovation and schedule performance of the GCSS-Army team will result in the implementation and fielding of the largest Enterprise Resource Planning systems ever successfully attempted within the Department of Defense. Interfacing with other Army logistics systems provides users with continuity of operations. This foundational concept has been fulfilled as evidenced by the two-way communications between existing logistics systems and GCSS-Army.
Our History
Working closely with government project management teams, Northrop Grumman positioned GCSS-Army for overwhelming success through two Operational Assessments at Fort Irwin, CA and the Initial Operational Test and Evaluation at Fort Bliss, TX. Those three events allowed engineering, technical and training teams to develop and execute sound models for success. Superior test results from the Army Test and Evaluation Command contributed to the Full Deployment Decision. Using Enterprise Resource Planning to manage the business of the Army's tactical logistics and financial accountability was long overdue.
GCSS-Army is the recipient of various honors that includes the 2015 Government Computer News Excellence Award for the largest and most ambitious Enterprise Resource Planning Solution and the Government Information Technology Executive Council also awarded the Department of the Army the Project Excellence Award for 2014 citing the following:
- Significant Mission Outcomes
- Cost Savings/Avoidance
- Risk Management
- Innovative Approach
- Great Customer Experience: Delivery Meets Vision/Least Disruptive
- Quality Assurance
Leadership, quality and strong performance at all levels of the organization have contributed to these successes and clearly align GCSS-Army with Northrop Grumman's strategy of quality and excellence.