Northrop Grumman engineers are answering the Navy’s call for uncrewed naval systems through work on merging two prototype technologies: Scion and Helix. Scion is a platform agnostic man-portable payload, designed to work on any commercially available uncrewed surface vessel (USV).
Parallel Pathways
Twin sisters and engineering leaders whose careers have run parallel and, at times, intersected, they have been looking to each other for inspiration and strength in their journeys their entire lives. Today, their career journeys have led them to Northrop Grumman.
Ραντάρ Ενεργητικής Ηλεκτρονικής Σάρωσης (AESA) APG-83 SABR (Scalable Agile Beam Radar) για το F-16
Το APG-83 είναι ένα ραντάρ ελέγχου πυρός Ενεργητικής Ηλεκτρονικής Σάρωσης (AESA). Βασισμένο στην 40ετή εμπειρία της Northrop Grumman πάνω στην παραγωγή ραντάρ για το F-16, ενσωματώνεται στους υπάρχοντες περιορισμούς κατασκευής, ισχύος και ψύξης του αεροσκάφους χωρίς αναγκαιότητα τροποποιήσεων αεροσκάφους Κατηγορίας Α. Οι ικανότητες αυτού του προηγμένου AESA προέρχονται από την οικογένεια των εξαιρετικά επιτυχημένων μαχητικών ραντάρ AESA 5ης γενιάς της Northrop Grumman, των ραντάρ APG-77 των αεροσκαφών F-22 και APG-81 των αεροσκαφών F-35.
SABR (Scalable Agile Beam Radar) APG-83 AESA
The SABR APG-83 is an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) fire control radar. Building on Northrop Grumman's 40-year legacy producing radars for the F-16, it integrates within the F-16's current structural, power and cooling constraints without Group A aircraft modification.
Threads for a Cause
“Fashion icon” was not in the job description that attracted Facilities Engineering Manager Kimo Treadway to Northrop Grumman nearly 10 years ago. But today, Kimo and the Rolling Meadows Facilities team’s colorful, eye-catching attire spark plenty of buzz.
G-2000 DTG Gyroscope Product Suite
The Northrop Grumman G-2000 two-axis gyroscope is the smallest tactical-grade dynamically-tuned gyroscope available, offering proven high performance, small size, excellent reliability and low cost.
Business Sectors
Northrop Grumman's business sectors offer an extraordinary portfolio of capabilities and technologies that enable us to deliver innovative systems and solutions for applications that range from air, cyber, land, sea and space.
Reality Shift
Systems Engineer Rebecca Peterson wants to bring a new reality to employees across Northrop Grumman.
Making a Splash
Have you ever visited a marina and spotted an ornately carved dragon boat gliding across the water? Read how the modern-day version of this ancient water sport is connecting communities at Northrop Grumman's locations across the globe.
F-16 탑재형 APG-83 맞춤형 고속 빔 레이더 (SABR) AESA
SABR은 전세계에 배치된 구형 F-16 시리즈의 기존 전기 및 냉각 설비 여건 안에서 최적의 레이더 시스템을 구축함으로써 해당 F-16 편대의 임무 수행을 십 수 년 연장합니다. SABR은 2008년에 처음 배치된 이래 각종 비행 시험에서 공전의 "최초" 기록을 꾸준히 달성해 왔으며, 이제는 이 기록에 고차원 모의전투 시험에서 입증된 이력도 포함되었습니다. F-16 레이더 장착 업무를 40년 가까이 계속해 온 유일한 사격 관제 레이더 생산 기업으로서, 우리는 F-16 AESA 레이더 계획에 위험성 낮은 방안을 제시하는 유일한 공급자임을 자부합니다.
Finding Stability
As a kid, I dreamed of becoming an FBI agent. But after finishing high school, I realized that I needed to cultivate better discipline in my life, so I left college to join the U.S. Army. I became an Army counterintelligence special agent, keeping U.S. classified information safe. As a badged federal agent for over 20 years, I conducted sensitive investigations related to espionage, treason, sedition and terrorism.