G-2000 DTG Gyroscope Product Suite

Two-Axis Rate Sensor in a Miniature, Low-Cost Package

Small, Reliable and Cost Effective Gyroscope

The Northrop Grumman G-2000 two-axis gyroscope is the smallest tactical-grade dynamically-tuned gyroscope available. The G-2000 gyro offers proven high performance, small size, excellent reliability and low cost. The commercial-off-the-shelf G-2000 gyroscope and integrated product family are only subject to Export Administration Regulation (EAR) for export control.

The G-2000 provides high accuracy for platform/gimbal stabilization and targeting applications. More than 75,000 gyros have been delivered since 1992 for use in a wide variety of military and commercial applications around the world.

illustration of gyroscope with measurements

G-2000 Family Applications

  • Downhole drilling and Northfinding
  • Line-of-Sight stabilization
  • Tactical missile and torpedo guidance/navigation
  • Ground vehicle navigation
  • Electro-optical/infrared cameras (EO/IR)
  • Targeting and pointing
  • Gun/turret stabilization

Family of Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) and Navigators

satellite hovering in space over earth

Assured Navigation

military helicopter in flight

LN-200 FOG Family Advanced Airborne IMU/AHRS

LN-200S Inertial Measurement Unit

LN-200S and LN-200HPS Inertial Measurement Units

Two E-2D Advanced Hawkeye aircrafr inflight

LN-251 Advanced Airborne INS/GPS (EGI)

military jet in sky with callout of global positioning system unit

LN-260 Advanced Embedded INS/GPS (EGI)

Three-dimensional, multi-mode, gallium nitride land radar displayed on grass

LN-270 Pointing, Locating, Navigation and Stabilization System INS/GPS (EGI)

satellite hovering over earth

LR-450 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)

silhouette of two military jets in red sky

LR-500 Quad Mass Gyro (QMG) Inertial Measurement Unit

commercial aircraft in air with insert of inertial reference unit


photo of gyro sensor overlayed on globe and space image

Scalable Space Inertial Reference Unit (SSIRU™) Family of Products

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1-866-NGNAVSYS (646-2879)