LN-200S and LN-200HPS Inertial Measurement Units

An inertial fiber-optic gyro for space applications that offers outstanding accel/gyro bias and random walk performance.

State of the Art Fiber Optics

The LN-200S is a small, lightweight, highly reliable, state-of-the-art fiber-optic inertial measurement unit (IMU). The LN-200S comprises three solid-state fiber-optic gyros and three solid-state silicon Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems accelerometers in a compact package that measures velocity and angle changes in a coordinate system fixed relative to its case. Digital output data of incremental velocity and angle are provided to user equipment over a digital serial data bus.

NASA's Mars Rover

LN-200S Applications

Designed for short- to medium-term space missions, the LN-200S provides highly reliable attitude reference and acceleration data for moderate performance demands, including:

  • Earth and heliocentric orbits
  • Missions lasting up to six years
  • Moderate three-axis inertial reference
LN-200S Inertial Measurement Unit

LN-200S Advantages

Adapted from Northrop Grumman's medium accuracy IMU, the LN-200S maintains performance, even in demanding environmental conditions. The unit is hermetically sealed, which is advantageous for planetary and asteroid probes. The non-dithered, low-voltage inertial sensors ensure long, reliable usage life and low noise. The LN-200S IMU has been utilized and is still performing on the NASA Mars rovers after more than 10 years. The LN-200S has the lowest gyro and accelerometer white noise in the medium accuracy IMU class. The commercial LN-200S has been successfully used on several International Exploratory Probes and has been in continuous production since 2000.

Family of Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) and Navigators

satellite hovering in space over earth

Assured Navigation

two-axis gyroscope next to penny

G-2000 Gyroscope Inertial Product Family

military helicopter in flight

LN-200 FOG Family Advanced Airborne IMU/AHRS

Two E-2D Advanced Hawkeye aircrafr inflight

LN-251 Advanced Airborne INS/GPS (EGI)

military jet in sky with callout of global positioning system unit

LN-260 Advanced Embedded INS/GPS (EGI)

Three-dimensional, multi-mode, gallium nitride land radar displayed on grass

LN-270 Pointing, Locating, Navigation and Stabilization System INS/GPS (EGI)

satellite hovering over earth

LR-450 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)

silhouette of two military jets in red sky

LR-500 Quad Mass Gyro (QMG) Inertial Measurement Unit

commercial aircraft in air with insert of inertial reference unit


photo of gyro sensor overlayed on globe and space image

Scalable Space Inertial Reference Unit (SSIRU™) Family of Products

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1-866-NGNAVSYS (646-2879)